Faculty Pedagogy Journal Club
The CTLO invites Caltech Faculty to participate in a monthly journal club focused on evidence-based findings in university teaching. This quarter will focus on how to implement current findings in active learning. The lunch dates for winter are below. Reading material will be sent to participants upon registering for the lunch. Both winter lunches will be held in the CTLO office's workshop space.
- Who: Any Caltech faculty or teaching staff
- When: Once per month (dates below)
- Why: To informally share and discuss ways these methods might be implemented in our own classrooms and learning spaces. To provide a chance for community and conversation about teaching across divisions and centers.*lunch will be provided
Hosted Monthly in the CTLO, Room CSS 360:
- Monday, January 30th, 2023, 12pm - 1pm
Topic: Implementing current findings on active learning -- ideas from Harvard and Indiana University - Monday, February 27, 2023, 12pm - 1pm
Topic: Using TAs to enhance active learning -- ideas for making active learning accessible in larger learning groups
RSVP- Lunch Provided