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From Data to Discovery: A One Day Symposium on the Emerging Science of Big Data Visualization

Thursday, May 23, 2013
9:30am to 3:00pm
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Nearly every scientific and engineering endeavor faces a fundamental challenge to see and extract insights from data. Effective Data Science and Visualization can lead to new discoveries. Together, we at Caltech, NASA JPL, and Art Center represent the same convergence of science, engineering and design that drives new Big Data-powered discovery.  On May 23, industry leaders will visit Pasadena for a series of talks to inspire, unite and challenge our community to re-examine our practices, and our perspectives. Guests include:

...with more to be announced in the coming weeks.

You are invited. There is no cost to you. Seats are limited so reserve now.

Participate as little or as much as you like. Inter-campus shuttles will be provided. More information to come.


For more information, please visit From Data to Discovery.