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GALCIT Colloquium

Friday, January 6, 2017
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Guggenheim 133 (Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall)
Giga resolution topology optimization for aerospace and multiphysics structures
Ole Sigmund, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,

Topology optimization is a numerical tool for finding optimal material distributions for mechanical structures, fluids, electromagnetics, optics and many other engineering disciplines. The method consists in repeated FE simulations, adjoint sensitivity analyses and gradient-based design updates. Using element-based design variables, the approach has ultimate design freedom and is by now extensively being used in industry to save weight and/or improve dynamical response.

The talk presents the SOTA of density-based topology optimization methods and recent developments in large scale and multiphysics applications. Efficient codes have been developed for handheld devices (see TopOpt Apps at Appstore or Google Play) for education and demonstration, whereas research codes developed by the TopOpt-group now handle problems with more than 1 billion design variables. Examples include internal structural design of a Boing 777 type wing structure and thermofluidic design of passive cooling devices for LED lamps.


For more information, please contact Mallory Neet by phone at 626-395-8026 or by email at