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GALCIT Colloquium

Friday, April 24, 2020
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Vortex-Wall Interactions of Spatially and Temporally Evolving Vortex Pairs
Sarah Morris, Cornell University,

Understanding vortex-wall interactions has applications in the context of airplane trailing vortices, as wake vortices are an unavoidable by-product of aerodynamic lift. These vortices pose an increased hazard for following aircraft at airport takeoffs and landings, as following aircraft flying through a vortex wake can experience dangerous rolling moments. In this work, we use a vortex generator tank and a delta wing in an XY-Towing Tank to study the dynamics of counter-rotating vortex pairs both in and out of ground effect, via PIV and flow visualization. When a vortex pair approaches a ground plane, the boundary layer (that forms on the surface between the vortices and the wall) separates, generating secondary vorticity and causing the primary vortex pair to "rebound" from the wall. Using a vortex generator tank to produce a temporally evolving vortex pair, it is shown that the introduction of perturbations at the ground plane results in earlier localized secondary vorticity generation. This leads to the formation of coherent secondary vortex structures, and an accelerated decay of the primary vortex pair. This passive, ground based method could be a means to diminish the wake vortex hazard behind aircraft close to the ground. We study also the spatially evolving trailing vortices in the far-wake of a 75° leading-edge sweep-angle delta wing, using a novel technique to measure the axial flow in the vortex core. This technique is unaffected by vortex wandering, allowing us to capture axial flow data as close as 0.03 chord-lengths apart. Using this technique, the streamwise velocity profile can be captured over 20 chord-lengths downstream of the delta wing, even when the vortex pair is in ground effect.

For more information, please contact Benedikt Barthel by email at