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GALCIT Special Seminar

Tuesday, August 9, 2022
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Guggenheim 133 (Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall)
Making Hydrogen Aviation a Reality
Paul Eremenko, CEO Universal Hydrogen Co,

This talk will discuss various approaches to the decarbonization of commercial aviation on timelines consistent with the Paris Agreement, and focus specifically on the challenges and opportunities presented by green hydrogen as an aviation fuel. We will examine the end-to-end value chain for the hydrogen molecule and for the hydrogen airplane, and discuss the key technical and economic considerations. The work of Universal Hydrogen, an LA- and Toulouse-based startup tackling hydrogen aviation at scale, will be specifically highlighted.

Paul Eremenko is co-founder and CEO of Universal Hydrogen Co. He was previously the CTO of Airbus and of United Technologies Corporation, driving both companies aggressively toward decarbonization. Paul also led DARPA's Tactical Technology Officer, responsible for the Agency's X-planes, space, and other large systems programs. He was also an executive at Google and Motorola, and today serves on the board of Eve Air Mobility (NYSE: EVEX), an Embraer company. Paul is a proud GALCIT graduate (MS ‘02) where he worked on the T5 shock tunnel and Ludwieg tube facility.

For more information, please contact Sarah Pontes by phone at 626-395-2118 or by email at [email protected].