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GALCIT Special Seminar

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
1:30pm to 2:30pm
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Guggenheim 202
Decay of finite temperature superfluid helium-4 turbulence
Demosthenes Kivotides, Dr., Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde,

Starting from the microscopic physics of Bose-Einstein Condensation in Helium-4, I move to the mesoscopic range of scales and discuss a model of finite-temperature superfluid dynamics that I have recently proposed.

By solving the equations of this model for the case of superfluid turbulence decay, I show that it agrees with the existing experimental data, but also indicates that the energetics of helium-II turbulence decay were not previously  understood correctly.

I discuss the new physics of turbulence decay as predicted by the new set of equations.

For more information, please contact Dimity Nelson by email at