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General Biology Seminar

Thursday, February 20, 2014
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Kerckhoff 119
Embryonic Patterning in Time and Space
Aryeh Warmflash, Postdoctoral Associate , Physics and Biology, Rockefeller University,

Abstract: During embryonic development, an entire organism is generated from a single cell. Genetics and biochemistry have identified developmental signaling pathways, however, how embryonic patterns emerge in space and time remains more obscure.  I will discuss our work using a combination of live-cell imaging, microfluidics, micropatterning, and mathematical modeling to investigate spatial and temporal aspects of embryonic patterning by the TGF-β signaling pathway, a key morphogen during all phases of development. Our work reveals novel dynamic properties of the pathway and their implications for embryonic development and establishes human embryonic stem cells as a promising system for studying self-organized pattern formation quantitatively.

For more information, please contact Joanne Meraz by phone at x 4953 or by email at