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General Biology Seminar

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Kerckhoff 119
Proteomic insights into mitochondrial form and function
Dave Pagliarini, Asst. Professor, Biochemistry, UW - Madison,
This talk will describe our recent efforts to define the variegated proteome composition of mammalian mitochondria, to elucidate how this composition is altered during disease states, and to understand the post-translational modifications used by cells to control mitochondrial protein function.

Background: Dave Pagliarini joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2009, where he currently is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, and the Co-Director of the Mitochondrial Protein Partnership. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame where he performed research in organic synthesis as an HHMI fellow in the lab of Paul Helquist. Dave began his graduate studies in chemical biology with Michael Marletta at the University of Michigan, and received a Ph.D. in biomolecular sciences under the direction of Jack Dixon at UC San Diego. For his postdoctoral fellowship, Dave joined Vamsi Mootha's laboratory at Harvard Medical School/The Broad Institute where he studied systems approaches to mitochondrial biology. At UW-Madison, Dave leads an interdisciplinary team of scientists focusing on a range of leading-edge challenges in mitochondrial biochemistry and metabolism, with an emphasis on proteomics. Dave has received a number of honors, including HHMI, NSF and NIH research fellowships, a Searle Scholar Award, an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Award (declined) and a Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Award.

For more information, please contact Julia Boucher by phone at 4952 or by email at