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Geometry and Topology Seminar

Thursday, October 16, 2014
2:00pm to 4:00pm
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Tits buildings, class groups, and the high-dimensional cohomology of SLnOK
Tom Church, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Stanford,

Let K be a number field with class number 1. We prove that if K admits a real embedding KR, then Hvcd(SLnOK; Q) = 0, where vcd is the virtual cohomological dimension of the lattice SLnOK. To do this, we prove that the homology of the Tits building for SLnK is generated by OK-integral apartments; in fact, this holds for a wide class of Dedekind domains of arithmetic type, including Z[i, 1/3] ⊂ Q(i) and Fq[T±1] ⊂ Fq(T). The key technical ingredient is that the complex of partial bases for (OK)n is Cohen–Macaulay; this complex has previously been used to prove that the homology of such lattices stabilizes as n → ∞. In contrast, we prove that the codimension-0 Betti number of SLnOK grows exponentially when the class number of K is greater than 2. Joint work with Benson Farb and Andrew Putman.

For more information, please contact Subhojoy Gupta by email at