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German Film

Friday, March 7, 2014
7:30pm to 9:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
Lovely Louise (Switzerland - 2012)
Bettina Oberli, Director,

Film evening – German 130b – 132b

Lovely Louise (Switzerland - 2012)

A film by award winning Director Bettina Oberli

(who will be here together with Stephane Kuthy, camera, for Q & A)


In Swiss German – English Sub-Titles


André, a single child, at 55 still lives with his actress mother, the not always "lovely Louise". Affectionately, but, with a sharp edge, Ms. Oberli explores this mother-son relationship that is threatened when suddenly an American stranger appears who claims to be André's brother and also wants to be part of the family. André has to wake up from his lethargy and realize that it might be time to face a few facts and grow up after all. A delicious character study of a sheltered, smothered man who finally finds the spirit to break free of his domineering mother. It is never too late to start life and love!! 


Starring: Annemarie Düringer (a Vienna Burgtheater legend, in movies such as "Veronica Voss"), Stefan Kurt ("The Foster Child"), Stanley Townsend ("Happy Go Lucky"), Nina Proll (Fallen)

For more information, please contact Sinikka Elvington by phone at Ext. 1724 or by email at