Getting Your Finances in Order to Live the Life You Want
Join APACT (Asian Pacific Americans at Caltech) and the Caltech Y for a virtual conversation on financial literacy and how to get your finances in order to live the life you want with Dr. Elizabeth Chiang (Caltech BS 2001).
Elizabeth (Elisa) Chiang, M.D. Ph.D., is an Ophthalmologist, Oculoplastic surgeon, and Life & Money Coach. Elisa primarily works with individuals to master their money mindset so they can build wealth and live in a life of abundance. She is a certified coach through The Life Coach School and offers 1:1 coaching on overcoming burnout, achieving new goals, understanding personal finance, and overcoming the mind blocks towards investing.
For more information, please contact Athena Castro by email at [email protected] or visit here to RSVP.