GPS TecherTalk
Wondering what comes next? Join us for a TecherTalk to hear first hand accounts from alumni navigating life and careers after Caltech. Lunch provided by the Caltech Alumni Association.
Featuring GPS alumni:
Peter Buhler (BS '12 GE, MS '15 PLSC, PHD '18 PLSC), NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at JPL
Abby Fraeman (Postdoc 2014-2016), Planetary Scientist at JPL
Yongqin Jiao (PhD '07 GEBI), Group Leader, Systems and Synthetic Biology Group, Biosciences and Biotechnology Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lunch served at 11:45 am. Panel begins at noon. All students and postdocs are welcome to attend.
For more information, please contact Margot Clifford, Manager of Student and Recent Alumni Programs by phone at (626) 395-1593 or by email at or visit GPS TecherTalk.