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Harvey Reid

Saturday, January 12, 2008
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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A "giant of the steel strings," Harvey Reid is a hugely talented guitarist. This entertaining minstrel also plays autoharp and banjo, and is a keen observer of life who always has something interesting and funny to say. He mixes both familiar and obscure traditional tunes in with his own fine composititions. Combining instrumentals with vocals, his shows have a great deal of variety. He is a very strong guitar player, and he will undoubtedly play some of the songs from his recent, first ever autoharp album, titled appropriately, "The Autoharp Album."

The Boston Globe wrote, "... unlike some virtuosos, he brings wit and panache as well as technique to his music."

Presented By: Caltech Folk Music Society
For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email [email protected].
$15 adults; $5 youth