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High Energy Theory Seminar

Friday, May 22, 2015
11:00am to 12:00pm
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Lauritsen 469
String-Scale SUSY Breaking: Clues for the Low – l CMB ?
Augusto Sagnotti, CERN, Scuola Normale Superiore, INFN-Pisa,

Mutually non-BPS configurations of branes and orientifolds can induce a string-scale breaking of supersymmetry in classically stable vacua. The phenomenon leaves behind, in the low--energy Supergravity, a "critical" exponential potential, and as a result the onset of inflation might have followed a bounce against it.  I shall elaborate on some peculiar features of the resulting primordial power spectra of scalar perturbations, with an eye to their possible relevance for the CMB.

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