High Energy Theory Seminar
Lauritsen 469
Reducing Supersymmetry of Two-dimensional Sigma Models Down to N=(0,2)
Arkady Vainshtein,
Univ of Minnesota,
We study of N=(0,2) deformed (2,2) two-dimensional models, in particular, geometric aspects and holomorphic properties of these models. We derive a number of exact relations for the $\beta$ functions in terms of the anomalous dimensions analogous to the NSVZ beta function in four-dimensional Yang-Mills. We also consider the N=(0,2) supercurrent supermultiplet and its anomalies, as well as the "Konishi anomaly." This gives us another method for finding two-loop beta functions.
For more information, please contact Carol Silberstein by email at carol@theory.caltech.edu or visit http://theory.caltech.edu/people/seminar/.