High Energy Theory Seminar
Online Event
Extremal CFTs and Lattice Orbifolds
Christoph Keller,
University of Arizona,
Limited capacity in 469 Lauritsen
In this talk I will report on recent work on constructing chiral Conformal Field Theories in 2d by orbifolding lattice CFTs. One motivation for this is the construction of extremal CFTs, that is
theories with the minimal number of light states: The one known example of such a theory, the Monster CFT, is indeed constructed as a lattice orbifold. Our work investigates if a generalization of this construction can give similar theories. I will explain why chiral orbifolds are more delicate due to possible anomalies, and how to address several technical issues that this entails. This talk is based
on work with my former student Thomas Gemuenden.
For Zoom information, please email [email protected]
For more information, please visit http://www.theory.caltech.edu/seminars/high-energy-theory-seminars.