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High Energy Theory Seminar

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
11:00am to 12:00pm
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Online and In-Person Event
Charged Superradiance in AdS5 x S5 black holes
Chintan Patel, TIFR Mumbai/KITP,

It has been known for over a decade that a class of charged black holes in AdS space are unstable to emission of charged particles. There have been many attempts to understand the endpoint of this instability, including the construction of hairy black hole solutions which consist of a condensate of a charged scalar field in the black hole background.
In this work, we provide a conjecture for the endpoint of this instability which is qualitatively very different from the hairy black holes. Our endpoint solutions consist of a large dual giant graviton (wrapping S3 in AdS5 and rotating on S5) in the background of a stable black hole and for the same charges, and have more entropy than the
corresponding hairy black holes.

The talk is in 469 Lauritsen.

Contact for Zoom information.