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How to Adopt Required Textbooks and Library Reserve Materials for Fall Classes

Monday, August 10, 2020
11:00am to 12:00pm
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Online Event

This session will provide details about the Caltech Library's plans for supporting Fall term teaching. It will discuss options available for instructors to make required and optional course materials available to students, both in digital and physical form. Specifically, historical student use of reserves, copyright policy around digital reserves, and textbook purchasing options will be discussed. Texts required for classes are due into the Library's Adopt-A-Text system by August 17th (and reserve materials by August 24th), so this session is intended to help instructors make appropriate requests for course materials. A demonstration of Adopt-A-Text will be given, along with a brief overview of other Library support services for teaching.

This session is a part of the Caltech Adaptable Teaching Series (CATS). Find the full schedule and session descriptions here and RSVP here for any of the CATS sessions.

For more information, please contact Leslie Rico by phone at 626-395-8427 or by email at or visit