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INQNET Seminar

Monday, February 14, 2022
12:30pm to 1:30pm
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Efficient, problem-tailored variational quantum algorithms
Sophia Economou, Professor, Department of Physics, Virginia Tech,


Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) constitute a class of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that are investigated primarily for NISQ processors. I will give an overview of these algorithms and narrow the discussion into a crucial part of VQAs, the choice of the parameterized ansatz. I will give highlights from our work on the preparation of compact, problem-tailored ansatze for quantum many-body simulation and optimization.

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Meeting ID: 933 0458 4361

INQNET (INtelligent Quantum NEtworks & Technologies, is a research program that aims to bring together academia, national laboratories, and industry to advance quantum science and technology and address relevant fundamental questions in physics.

For more information, please contact Nikolai Lauk by email at