IPAC Astronomy Lunch Seminar
IPAC 102 (Large Conference Room)
Towards Determining eta_Earth: Characterising the Kepler Survey Completeness
Jessie Christiansen,
NASA Ames,
The primary goal of the Kepler mission is to determine the frequency of Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of solar-like stars. The mission has published a catalogue of planet candidates, but there are two key attributes of the catalogue that we need to understand before we can determine the underlying planet population - the rate of false negatives (completeness) and the rate of false positives (reliability). I will discuss our efforts towards determining the completeness of the survey, in particular characterising the behaviour of the automated transit detection software.
For more information, please contact Luisa Rebull by phone at x4565 or by email at [email protected] or visit http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/events.
Event Series
IPAC Astronomy Lunch Seminar Series