IQI Weekly Seminar
We describe the Quantum Alternating Operator Anzatz (QAOA), a reworking of the acronym and generalization of Farhi, Goldstone, and Gutmann Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm [1]. We then discuss our work demonstrating that the QAOA is powerful enough to obtain the O(\sqrt N) query complexity on Grover's problem, and inspiring a novel quantum algorithm for this problem, the first within the QAOA framework to show a quantum advantage for a number of iterations p of the alternating operators, in the intermediate range between p = 1 and p < 1 [2]; a novel temporal planning approach for compiling QAOA circuits to realistic hardware[3]; an analysis of the parameter landscape for the simple problem of MaxCut on a ring [4]; and a framework for designing QAOA circuits for a variety of optimization problems with both soft and hard constraints, including examples for a variety of challenging combinatorial optimization problems [5]. We conclude with a discussion of future research directions.
[1] A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.
Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone, and Sam Gutmann.
[2] Near-optimal quantum circuit for Grover's unstructured search using a transverse field
Zhang Jiang, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Zhihui Wang, Phys. Rev. A 95, 062317 (2017)
[3] Compiling Quantum Circuits to Realistic Hardware Architectures using Temporal Planners
Davide Venturelli, Minh Do, Eleanor Rieffel, Jeremy Frank, Proceedings of IJCAI 2017, and ICAPS SPARK Workshop 2017
[4] The Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm for MaxCut: A Fermionic View
Zhihui Wang, Stuart Hadfield, Zhang Jiang, Eleanor G. Rieffel,
[5] Quantum approximate optimization with hard and soft constraints.
Stuart Hadfield, ZhihuiWang, Eleanor Rieffel, Bryan O'Gorman, Davide Venturelli, Rupak Biswas.
In preparation.