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Tuesday, April 11, 2017
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Add to Cal
Annenberg 105
Acoustic Rendering: from audiovisual synthesis to wave control
Changxi Zheng, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Columbia University,
    This talk is about computational acoustic waves. I will start by  presenting some of our recent exploration that aims to extend what  computer graphics techniques did in the past decades for our eyes to  our ears. The overarching idea is to develop physics-based numerical  models that generate computer animations and virtual environments,  audiovisually. I will then explore what these acoustic models enable  us to do beyond generating virtual effects. In particular, I will  present a few recent projects on computational acoustic  control—methods that generate desired acoustics by computational  design of geometry and material—with applications on computer  animation, personalized 3D printing, HCI, and other engineering  fields.    Putting this line of research into a larger picture, I will conclude  the talk with quick examples in nano photonics and industrial  manufacturing that rethink some of the engineering design processes  under a computational lens.
For more information, please contact Diane Goodfellow by email at