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IST Meeting of the Minds

Friday, May 18, 2018
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Add to Cal
Annenberg Center
Hao Li, CEO & Co-Founder, Pinscreen, Inc.,

CMS Undergrads, Grads, Postdocs, Faculty, and Staff:

Dust off your lightning talks and polish your posters.  It's time to SHINE!

Present your research! Find out what your peers have been working on!
Chat with representatives from our CMS Partner companies!
Food!  Fun!  Technical jargon (also fun)!

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IST Meeting of the Minds
Our Departmental Retreat and Research Showcase
Friday, May 18th

Annenberg + Outdoor Vicinity


2:00-3:00pm in 105 Annenberg:
Keynote Talk
by Hao Li
CEO & Co-Founder of Pinscreen, Inc.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, USC and
Director of the Vision and Graphics Lab,
USC Institute for Creative Technologies

3:00-5:00pm on Moore Walk + Vicinity North of Annenberg:
Poster Session featuring the latest research in CMS!

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We hope that every undergrad and grad student who has done research will present a poster!  It can be a poster from a project course, a repeat of your SURF poster, or a poster you presented at a conference already... there will be lots of folks in the department who haven't seen it yet!

POSTER PRESENTERS, register here on or before May 1st:

NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED just to attend the event!

See you there!!

For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by email at [email protected] or visit IST Meeting of the Minds.