KNI Seminar
Steele 125
Surface Interaction Potentials and Dynamics: Quantitative Measurements and Implications
Paul Weiss,
KNI Distinguished Visiting Professor, Caltech;,
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and of Materials Science and Engineering,
Our first atomic-resolution measurements of isolated and dilute interacting atoms and molecules on surfaces with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy revealed long-range, anisotropic, energy-dependent perturbations on electronic structure. Spectroscopic imaging enables energy- and spatially resolved measurements of electronic structure, but we have not yet been able to invert these perturbations directly into adsorbate potentials. Thus far, we have used measurements of adsorbate structures and dynamics to extract these potentials quantitatively with unprecedented precision. These long-range effects have important consequences in catalysis and supramolecular assembly. Next, we will attempt to design these interactions to advantage to control the placement and transformation of atoms and molecules on surfaces.
For more information, please contact Mary Sikora by phone at 626-395-3914 or by email at
Event Series
KNI Nanoscience Colloquia Series
Event Sponsors