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LA Probability Forum

Thursday, October 31, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Vector-Valued Concentration on the Symmetric Group
Miriam Gordin, Program in Applied & Computational Mathematics, Princeton University,

USC, Kaprielian (KAP) 414

Existing vector-valued concentration inequalities, such as the classical results of Pisier, are known only in very special settings, such as the Gaussian measure on R^n and the uniform measure on the discrete hypercube {-1,1}^n. We present a novel vector-valued concentration inequality for the uniform measure on the symmetric group which goes beyond the product setting of the prior known results. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of this result for the nonembeddability of the symmetric group into Banach spaces of nontrivial Rademacher type, a question of interest in the metric geometry of Banach spaces. We build on prior work of Ivanisvili, van Handel, and Volberg (2020) who proved a vector-valued inequality on the discrete hypercube, resolving a question of Enflo in the metric theory of Banach spaces. This talk is based on joint work with Ramon van Handel.

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