LA Probability Forum
The Poisson boundary of hyperbolic groups without moment conditions
Kunal Chawla,
Department of Mathematics,
Princeton University,
USC Kaprielian (KAP) 414
Given a random walk on a countable group, the Poisson boundary is a measure space which captures all asymptotic events of the markov chain. The Poisson boundary can sometimes be identified with a concrete geometric boundary, but almost all previous results relied strongly on moment conditions of the random walk. I will discuss a technique which allows us to identify the Poisson boundary on any group with hyperbolic properties without moment conditions, new even in the free group case, making progress on a question of Kaimanovich and Vershik. This is joint work with Behrang Forghani, Joshua Frisch, and Giulio Tiozzo.
For more information, please contact Math Dept by phone at 626-395-4335 or by email at
Event Series
Caltech/UCLA Joint Probability Seminar Series
Event Sponsors