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Lab Safety Orientation Training

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Online Event

This course is designed to prepare incoming researchers to work in a laboratory at the Institute. Topics include laboratory organization; injury prevention; fire, earthquake, chemical and radioactive materials incident management; general laboratory safety; chemical storage and the safe handling of chemicals; preparation for experiments; electrical and mechanical safety; and an overview of services provided by the EH&S Office.

To enroll in this course:

  1. Log onto access.caltech.
  2. Under SELF SERVICE, click the MyLearn link.
  3. Click the Course Catalog icon.
  4. Search for class, click on the desired date and class hyperlink.
  5. Click on the Enroll button at top right of pop-up screen.

Visit our Training Calendar Tab for course dates and time.

For more information, please contact Safety Office by phone at 626-395-6727 or by email at or visit EH&S Safety Training.