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Learn How to Knit

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Come and learn the basics of the one of the oldest technologies on Earth; the making of cloth. Knitting is the low-tech technology that allows you to make cloth and clothing using only yarn and two sticks.

When you knit you make repetitive movements that require you to create a pattern that releases calming serotonin. In addition to its calming effects, knitting can distract from chronic pain - as focus is turned elsewhere. The recurring movements needed to knit can also help your brain to maintain cognitive abilities.

Classes are available for Caltech staff, professorial faculty and postdocs.

Class 1: How to prepare the simple tools you need to start making textile materials.
Class 2: Variations on the ancient way to make knitted fabric.
Class 3: Purling.
Class 4: Review and practice of these simple techniques.

To see more of David Orozco's work, please visit:

Space is limited, so please do not sign up to the classes you are not sure if you are attending. We are also reserving a few spaces for walk-ins! Once the class starts we will take attendance on a first-come, first-served basis. Be punctual to avoid forfeiting your space.

This is a Brown Bag Lunch Event

For more information, please contact Staff Education by phone at 626-395-3204 or by email at or visit Learn How to Knit.