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LIGO Seminar

Tuesday, February 16, 2016
1:00pm to 2:00pm
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West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)
Optimizing Electromagnetic Follow-up of LIGO-Virgo Events
Hsin-Yu Chen, Physics, University of Chicago,

The successful follow-up of gravitational wave sources would open up a new era
of multi-messenger astronomy. I will discuss some techniques to facilitate the electromagnetic

follow-up of gravitational wave events. Given limited telescope resources, the best strategy for follow-up will consist of neither
full coverage of the error box nor follow-up of each and every event. I use the
analytic distribution of expected gravitational-wave signal-to-noise ratios and our rapid 3D position estimation algorithm to develop a strategy
which optimizes the follow-up process. This optimal strategy can be tailored to a range of follow-up facilities with different available resources
and capabilities.


We plan to broadcast these talks using TeamSpeak. Use a sub-channel of

LIGO Lab called "LIGO Seminar", which is not password protected.

NOTE: These and all other scheduled LIGO seminars are listed on the LIGO

Laboratory seminar calendar 

OR on LIGO Website: Click on LIGO CIT, under Calendars, see LIGO Seminar

For more information, please contact Sydney Meshkov by email at