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LIGO Seminar

Monday, February 3, 2025
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)
2 um fiber lasers and amplifiers for cryogenic silicon gravitational wave detectors
Georgia Bolingbroke,
  • Internal Event

Speaker: Georgia Bolingbroke

Title: 2 um fiber lasers and amplifiers for cryogenic silicon gravitational wave detectors

Abstract: Single-frequency 2 μm lasers are of interest for a range of remote sensing, LiDAR, medical, and scientific applications such as in cryogenic silicon gravitational wave detectors (GWDs). I will discuss research and development efforts towards a high-power 2-um thulium fiber laser and amplifier system with noise performance suitable for use in 2-um GWDs. 

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at