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LIGO Seminar

Monday, February 24, 2025
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Speaker: Hiroaki Yamamoto

Title: "Suspended Baffle Design for Cosmic Explorer arm tube"

Abstract: Cosmic Explorer, a next-generation ground-based gravitational wave (GW) interferometer, aims to surpass the sensitivity of existing detectors. Construction and operation are scheduled to commence between 2035 and 2040. The interferometer's arm length will be 40 kilometers, significantly longer than LIGO's arm length of 4 kilometers.

To mitigate noise generated by stray light in the arm tube, baffles are strategically placed within the tube. However, the motion of these baffles attached to the beam tube introduces additional noise. Suspended baffles are proposed as a solution to this issue by eliminating the vibrations caused by the baffle motion.

To achieve effective isolation for suspended baffles, vacuum suspension systems akin to those employed for test masses are necessary. These systems require proper housing to cover the chamber, incurring additional costs. A careful evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of suspended baffles compared to traditional baffles is essential.

This presentation compares the concept of suspended baffles with traditional baffles, elucidating the advantages of suspended baffles. Additionally, a simulation tool is discussed to quantify the performance differences between suspended and traditional baffle schemes.

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at