Logic Seminar
Blanchard introduced the concepts of Uniform Positive Entropy (UPE) and Complete Positive Entropy (CPE) as topological analogues of K-automorphism. He showed that UPE implies CPE, and that the converse is false. A flurry of recent activity studies the relationship between these two notions. For example, one can assign a countable ordinal which measures how complicated a CPE system is. Recently, Barbieri and García-Ramos constructed Cantor CPE systems at every level of CPE. Westrick showed that natural rank associated to CPE systems is actually a Π11-rank. More importantly, she showed that the collection of CPE Z2-SFT's is a Π11-complete set. In this talk, we discuss some results, where UPE and CPE coincide and others where we show that the complexity of certain classes of CPE systems is Π11-complete. This is joint work with García-Ramos.