Mathematical Physics Seminar
The mean-field limit of Bosons in the Heisenberg picture
Antti Knowles,
ETH Zurich,
I consider the dynamics of an interacting Bose gas in the
mean-field limit. I outline how one may prove the convergence to the
mean-field limit in the "Heisenberg" picture of observables instead of
the more common "Schrödinger" picture of states. This result may be
interpreted as an Egorov-type semiclassical theorem. Our method works
for interaction potentials with Coulomb-type singularities. Instead of
using Hardy inequalities, we control the singularity using the
dispersion of the free time evolution. In particular, our results are
applicable to L^2 initial data. Joint work with Jurg Fröhlich and
Simon Schwarz.
For more information, please contact Chris Marx by email at
Event Series
Mathematical Physics Seminar Series
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