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Neuroscience Symposium

Thursday, January 9, 2014
8:00am to 5:00pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
Emerging Neuroscience: a hiring symposium with future leaders in brain research

Schedule Overview of Symposium Events

Visit Website for speaker details

8:00 am   Breakfast Buffet in the Beckman Institute Courtyard
9:00 am   Dr. Martha Bagnall
10:00 am Break – 15 minutes
10:15 am Dr. Jerry Chen
11:15 am Break – 15 minutes
11:30 am Dr. Elizabeth Hong
12:30 pm Lunch Buffett in the Beckman Institute Courtyard
1:30 pm   Dr. Xu Liu
2:30 pm   Break– 15 minutes
2:45 pm   Dr. Yuki Oka
3:45 pm   Break– 15 minutes
4:00 pm   Dr. Michael Yartsev
5:00 pm   Refreshments

For more information, please contact Joanne Meraz by phone at x 4953 or by email at or visit Symposium Events.