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Nothing's the Same – Grief and Renewal

Thursday, December 10, 2020
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Online Event
  • Internal Event

The Caltech Staff and Faculty Consultation Center is pleased to announce a weekly learning and discussion space to support employees, postdocs, and faculty members through the many challenges facing all of us right now. 

A focused topic will be presented each week, Thursdays at noon, from November 12 through December 17, with time for group discussion built in. All sessions will take place on Zoom, and will be facilitated by one or more licensed mental health clinician from the SFCC. 

Election-related stress, riding out the global pandemic, shifts and changes in the workforce, helping young students learn from home – all of these test our coping techniques. Resources for Resilience will offer avenues for skill-building, and a place to connect.  

Please use the Zoom link and passcode below: Passcode: 852292

For more information, please contact Windy Amaya by phone at 626-395-8360 or by email at