Number Theory Seminar
On a Filtration of CH0 for an Abelian Variety A
Valia Gazaki,
University of Chicago,
Let A be an abelian variety over a eld k of dimension d. In this talk I will dene a decreasing
ltration fFrgr0 of the group CH0(A) of zero cycles modulo rational equivalence which has the
property that the successive quotients are "almost" isomorphic to some Milnor-type K-groups.
Rationally the ltration coincides with the motivic ltration previously considered by A. Beauville
and S. Bloch. We will see that when k is a p-adic eld the ltration has many interesting properties.
For example, we will obtain information on the kernel of the cycle map to etale cohomology,
CH0(A)=n ! H2d(A; d
n ), where n is a positive integer. If time permits, I will also present some
work in progress, joint with K. Kato, regarding the image of the cycle map.
For more information, please contact Elena Mantovan by email at
Event Series
Number Theory Seminar Series
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