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OASIS Cultural Show

Friday, June 4, 2004
6:00pm to 7:30pm
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Ramo Auditorium
  • Public Event
OASIS, the Organisation of the Associated Students from the Indian Subcontinent, invites you for its annual cultural show. This year, we bring to you "PEHLU", a program which presents different facets of today's youth from the Indian Subcontinent. "PEHLU" is an attempt to provide a glimpse of their introspective as well as their humourous side through the following main events:
Krishna, the flute-playing flirtatious cowherd.
Krishna, (literally translated, the "Dark One") the catalyst for the most destructive war in Hindu mythology.
Krishna, the one who gave humanity the Bhagavad Gita, the core of Hinduism.
Krishna is a play which explores aspects of Krishna's life viewed through a modern perspective. And since this is an OASIS spectacle, there will be singing and dancing too!
Spiderman & Batman are after Britney Spears and she badly needs to get out of the loop somehow. Then she meets a Caltech researcher who helps her solve the problem (bio)logically. In the process, Batman & Spiderman become Britney's slaves and go on to help her with a music album that takes her to new heights.

After the cultural show, please join us for a delicious catered Indian dinner outside Ramo Auditorium served for a price of $5. The performance itself is free and open to public.

The event is co-sponsored by Graduate Student Council, Campus Life and Graduate Housing.

For more information, please contact Indian Subcontinent Association by phone at 8775 or by email at [email protected].