OASIS Cultural Show
Ramo Auditorium
- Public Event
OASIS, the Organisation of the Associated Students from the Indian Subcontinent, invites you for its annual cultural show. This year, we bring to you "PEHLU", a program which presents different facets of today's youth from the Indian Subcontinent. "PEHLU" is an attempt to provide a glimpse of their introspective as well as their humourous side through the following main events:
- Krishna, the flute-playing flirtatious cowherd.
- Krishna, (literally translated, the "Dark One") the catalyst for the most destructive war in Hindu mythology.
- Krishna, the one who gave humanity the Bhagavad Gita, the core of Hinduism.
- Krishna is a play which explores aspects of Krishna's life viewed through a modern perspective. And since this is an OASIS spectacle, there will be singing and dancing too!
- Krishna, (literally translated, the "Dark One") the catalyst for the most destructive war in Hindu mythology.
- Spiderman & Batman are after Britney Spears and she badly needs to get out of the loop somehow. Then she meets a Caltech researcher who helps her solve the problem (bio)logically. In the process, Batman & Spiderman become Britney's slaves and go on to help her with a music album that takes her to new heights.
After the cultural show, please join us for a delicious catered Indian dinner outside Ramo Auditorium served for a price of $5. The performance itself is free and open to public.
The event is co-sponsored by Graduate Student Council, Campus Life and Graduate Housing.
For more information, please contact Indian Subcontinent Association by phone at 8775 or by email at [email protected].