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Old Blind Dogs

Saturday, March 5, 2016
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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Six years have slipped by since we had Scotland's Old Blind Dogs in our series. After years of trying, including an aborted show last year when the U.S. State Department delayed their visas and we had to cancel a show, we arranged the return of this fine Scottish band that features a blend of fine instrumental and vocal talents in their playing of traditional and original music.

Old Blind Dogs, from Aberdeenshire, on Scotland's northeast coast, consists of Aaron Jones (bouzouki, guitar, bass, and vocals), Ali Hutton (pipes, whistles & guitar), and new member, Donald Hay (percussion). Unfortunately, in late January, we got word that longtime member, Jonny Hardie would not be able to make the trip, once again, for unexplained immigration problems.

For Caltech/JPL tickets, please call the Caltech Ticket Office at (626) 395-4652.

For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email
$25; $5 Caltech students and children