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Orchestra Auditions

Saturday, September 27, 2014
4:00pm to 6:00pm
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All music auditions will be held at the Caltech Music House, located at 305 South Hill.  Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Music House during the week prior to auditions. Auditions are friendly and low stress. If you have a very short (2-3 minute) prepared piece that represents the level of your playing, bring it, but don't hesitate to audition if you do not have anything prepared. If you haven't played your instrument in some time, please come and audition anyway. There may also be some sight reading.  If you have questions, please contact Allen Gross at [email protected].

Participating in a music group takes a maximum of three hours per week. If you need to borrow an instrument, please contact Cindy De Mesa at [email protected].

For more information, please contact Allen Gross by phone at 626-395-3295 or by email at [email protected] or visit