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Organic Chemistry Seminar

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Gates Annex B122
Selective strategies for phosphoranyl radical fragmentation for chemical synthesis
Valerie Schmidt, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego,

Zoom available upon request.

Nature and synthetic chemists have long recognized the power of the thermodynamic driving force associated with oxidized phosphorous centers to provide stability to biopolymers and drive chemical transformations. Pursuing oxidation pathways that pass through phosphoranyl radicals allows for versatile, controllable and flexible fragmentations to provide access to an array of synthetically useful C- and heteroatom-centered radicals. Our recent efforts in harnessing and controlling the fragmentation of in situ generated phosphoranyl radicals in new reaction development will be presented alongside our combined experimental and computational mechanistic studies leading to next generation reagent design and further advances in synthesis.

For more information, please contact Annette Luymes or Beth Marshall by phone at x6016; x4004 or by email at [email protected]; [email protected].