Organic Chemistry Seminar
Noyes 153 (J. Holmes Sturdivant Lecture Hall)
The Search for Efficiency in Synthesis: From Natural Products to Catalysis
Silas Cook,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry,
Department of Chemistry,
Indiana University,
The future of synthetic organic chemistry depends on the development of low-cost, robust, environmentally friendly transformations. Our laboratory seeks to develop new reactions that enable the efficient synthesis of medicinally relevant small molecules. By examining known mechanistic data, we identify gaps in understanding that can be exploited to create new reaction pathways. Further mechanistic refinement in our laboratory leads to a better understanding of these catalytic processes at a level of conceptual depth that permit the design of new reactions in a rational and systematic fashion.
For more information, please contact Lynne Martinez by phone at 626-395-4004 or by email at
Event Series
Organic Chemistry Seminar Series