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Parent Participation

Monday, March 3, 2014
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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A Caltech Human Resources Sponsored Event Presented by Susan Schwartz, PEN Program Director

Parents are their own children's first teachers; they also play an important role in supporting classroom teachers and improving learning opportunities for all children at their school and throughout our district. Learn about the expectations and opportunities for parental involvement in public education in PUSD. Featuring PEN Program Director Susan Schwartz and members of the Caltech-PUSD parent network.

Remember to bring your own "brown bag" lunch.

Parent Participation is part of a year-long series of lunchtime programs sponsored by Caltech Human Resources in partnership with Pasadena Education Network (PEN) and Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD).

To Register:

For more information, please contact Barbara Avouac by email at