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Phil Salazar and the Kin Folk

Saturday, August 12, 2017
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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Phil Salazar has been one of the mainstays in Southern California bluegrass for a good many years. He has pulled bluegrass in many directions and he has played in many memorable configurations over the years. One of these groupings began as the Phil Salazar Band back in 1983. This is such a fine band that they still get together now and then and they put on a great show.

Kin Folk includes Phil on fiddle; Mike Mullins, who also plays with the Cache Valley Drifters and others, on guitar and mandolin; Tom Corbett who also plays with many others on mandolin and guitar; Bill Knopf, the longtime great banjo player; the fantastic other half of the "twin fiddles," Charl Ann Gastineau; and Rick Borella, their longtime rock solid bass player. Phil, Mike, and Tom all sing lead and backing vocals, so we'll all have a great time.

They have released recordings over the years, including a few when they morphed into the the Accousticats for a few years with Cyrus Clarke. They play in the style of bluegrass, but draw from a wealth of genres including folk, rock, traditional American, cajun, Irish, jazz, country, and cowboy.

Their performances together are rare, so don't miss these guys!

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For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email
$20; $5 Caltech students and children