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Physics Colloquium

Thursday, October 5, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Online and In-Person Event
Measuring the knots and braids of non-Hermitian oscillators
Jack Harris, Yale,

Title: Measuring the knots and braids of non-Hermitian oscillators
Speaker: Jack Harris
Abstract: It may seem unlikely that rich mathematical structures remain to be uncovered in classical harmonic oscillators. Nevertheless, systems that combine non-reciprocity and loss have provided a number of surprises in recent years. I will describe how these systems naturally exhibit braids, knots, and other topological structures. I will also present measurements of these structures (using a cavity optomechanical system), and will describe their potential application in various control schemes. This will be a pedagogical introduction to these topics, with lots of pictures and videos!

Join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 818 6692 9019

The colloquium is held in Feynman Lecture Hall, 201 E. Bridge.

For more information, please contact Denise Lu by phone at x1392 or by email at