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Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday, October 5, 2015
8:00am to 8:20pm
Add to Cal
San Pasqual Walk

The Red Cross Blood Drive will  be held Monday, October 5 from 8:00am to 8:15pm.The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be parked by Winnett Quad.

Benefits of Donating:

  • It feels great to donate!
  • It's something you can spare – most people have blood to spare... yet, there is still not enough to go around.
  • You will help ensure blood is on the shelf when needed – most people don't think they'll ever need blood, but many do.
  • You will be someone's hero – in fact, you could help save more than one life with just one donation.

To schedule an appointment please log onto and enter sponsor code: CALTECH

A Red Cross representative will be on campus on October 2, 11:30am - 12:30pm in front of the bookstore to schedule appointments in person.

Please go to or call1-800-RED CROSS for more information.

For more information, please phone (626) 395-3204 or email [email protected]