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Reflection and Outlook of Engineering Sciences

Friday, September 26, 2014
9:10am to 4:30pm
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This Symposium not only marks the 90th birthday of Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu but also celebrates the remarkable lifetime achievements and contributions of a true gentleman and scholar. Ted's marvelous and multi-faceted contributions to fluid mechanics and engineering science are, of course, archived in his broad-ranging scholarly contributions to subjects as diverse as cavitation, ship hydrodynamics, water waves, fish and micro-organism locomotion. But, even more special, has been his guidance and mentorship of many generations of young scholars now spread throughout the world. In essence, this day will honor a very special human being and will witness many tributes to Ted's selfless humanity, kindness, generosity and compassion.

For more information, please contact Leslie A. Rico by phone at 626-395-3389 or by email at or visit Reflection and Outlook of Engineering Sciences.