Resnick Fellows Seminar Day
Join us at the BIA for research talks presented by Resnick Sustainability Institute Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellows!
All are invited to attend! Click through to our seminar page for abstracts.
9:30 – 10:00 Coffee/Refreshments
10:00 Speaker 1 – Marcus Drover, PhD -Postdoctoral Fellow (Peters Group): Canvassing New Ligand Space: A Tale of Boron-based Allyl Equivalents and a Marriage between PPh3 and BPh4-
10:30 Speaker 2 – Matt Welborn, PhD -Postdoctoral Fellow (Miller Group): Projection-based Embedding Applied to a Co-centered CO2 Reduction Catalyst
11:00 Speaker 3 – Weilai Yu -Graduate Fellow (Lewis Group): Understanding Semiconductor Corrosion Chemistry for Sustainable Solar Fuel Generation
11:30 Speaker 4 –Tina Boville, PhD -Postdoctoral Fellow (Arnold Group): Engineered Biosynthesis of Amino Acids
12:00 to 1:30 Break for Lunch (not hosted)
1:30 Speaker 5 – Armeen Taeb -Graduate Fellow (Chandrasekaran Group): From Data Science to Hydrology, California Reservoirs During Drought
2:00 Speaker 6 – Austin Chadwick -Graduate Fellow (Lamb Group): The Role of Channel Avulsion in Mediating Land Loss on Drowning River Deltas
2:30 Speaker 7 – Hao Zhao -Graduate Fellow (Rosenthal Group): Water Institutions and Groundwater Sustainability in California
3:00 Speaker 8 – Julian West, PhD -Postdoctoral Fellow (Gray Group): Making Sustainably: Designing Organic Chemistry for the 21st Century
3:30 to 4:00 Coffee/Refreshments