San Gabriel Valley Linux Users Group Monthly Meeting
Off-line content is reading material, educational texts, and other reference materials delivered on media such as SDCards, DVDs, custom hardware, or hard drives so that it can be used without internet access. A typical deployment can deliver the equivalent of tens of thousands of printed books. The cost to deliver large off-line libraries has fallen below the cost to deliver online internet access in most areas. Off-line content thus provides a cost effective way to provide access to the world's knowledge before affordable internet infrastructure is available. This presentation reviews six emerging projects which aim to provide off-line hardware and libraries, including the author's creation, the $20 Humane Reader
Braddock Gaskill is CEO and co-founder of Dockside Vision Inc, an advanced information visualization and human-computer interface company. Prior to founding Dockside Vision, Mr. Gaskill had over ten years of experience as a technology consultant in both the defense and commercial sectors. His expertise spans the fields of information visualization, collaborative systems, electronics design, machine vision, information assurance, and robotics control, and includes publications in ballistics simulation, a patent in crytographic authentication, and multiple pending patents in visualization techniques.