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Seismo Lab Seminar

Friday, February 7, 2025
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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South Mudd 256 (Benioff Room)
How Global Warming Shakes the Earth : Multi-Decadal Global Microseism History and Ocean Wave Climate
Rick Aster, Professor of Geophysics, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University,

Extensive continuous digital seismic data archives enable the analysis of Earth's long-period seismic wavefield across nearly four decades. This seminar considers primary and secondary microseism intensity between 4 and 20 s period between 1988 and 2024. 73 stations from 82.5 deg. N to 89.9 deg. S latitude from the Global Seismographic, New China Digital, and GEOSCOPE networks are used, all with >20 years of data and >80% data completeness. Acceleration power spectral densities are estimated using 50%-overlapping, 1-hr moving windows and are integrated in 2-s wide period bands to produce band-passed amplitude time series. We remove nonphysical outliers, earthquake signals, and stationary seasonal variations (using a fundamental period of 365.2422 d). Secular period-dependent trends are then estimated using L1 residual norm-minimizing regression. Increasing microseism amplitude is observed across most of the Earth in both the primary and secondary microseism bands (averages of 0.16 and 0.09 %/yr, respectively). The two microseism secular change rates correlate across global seismic stations at R=0.65 and have a regression slope of 1.04. However, secondary trends are systematically lower by about 0.05 %/yr, which is consistent with variable excitation of the secondary source relative to the primary due to its dependence on interfering ocean waves. Multiyear large-scale seismic intensity variations reflect interannual climate index (e.g., El Niño–Southern Oscillation) influence on large-scale storm and ocean wave energy. Microseism intensity histories in 2-s period bands exhibit regional to global correlations that reflect ocean-basin-scale teleconnected ocean swell, long-range Rayleigh wave propagation and attenuation, and the large-scale reach of climate variation. Secular trends in the global long-period wavefield as a function of period indicate greater intensification at longer periods, consistent with more frequent large-scale storm systems that produce longer-period ocean swell.