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Short Course: Approaching the Event Horizon – Black Holes and Their Effect on the Universe

Monday, September 16, 2019
8:15am to 12:30pm
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8:15 A.M. - Coffee
8:45 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Short Course

All interested faculty, researchers and students are invited to attend.


  • Prof. Kelly Holley-Bockelmann (Vanderbilt University) - Black Holes 101
  • Prof. Andrea Ghez (UCLA) - The Galactic Center: A Black Hole Closeup
  • Prof. Charles Gammie (University of Illinois) - Modeling and Studying Black Holes on Horizon Scales
  • Dr. Michael Johnson (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) - The Event Horizon Telescope: Imaging Black Holes with a Global VLBI Array
For more information, please visit